
Fukuoka City continues to experience strong population growth, and demand for housing is increasing day by day, especially as more young people move into the city from outside the prefecture and from overseas. In order to meet a wide range of needs, we plan and develop housing that is both safe and comfortable.

福岡地所の街づくりネットワーク 自分らしいライフスタイルを実現できる住まい デザイン 機能性 快適性 安心・安全

Rental Apartment Business

Developing high added value
rental apartments

We are developing high added value rental apartments designed to meet diverse lifestyles, with luxuriously designed exteriors and comfortable interiors as yet unseen in Fukuoka.

About the CLUB NEXUS series

CLUB NEXUS is a rental apartment brand themed around a lifestyle that is fullfillling and one's own way.
By selecting designers for each property, we offer high-quality living spaces that cater to diverse lifestyles.

Condominium Business

The NEXUS series pursues the
ideal urban residence

We are planning, developing and selling the "NEXUS" series of condominiums to meet market needs, with the goal of creating comfortable urban living.

About the NEXUS series

"NEXT x US = NEXUS." NEXUS is a condominium brand focused on design and quality with the theme of "Urban Living for Our Future". Anticipating the changing needs of the times, we are evolving toward the future.

Housing Exhibition Park Business

"hit Housing Exhibition Park"
Offering the latest in "living"
and "housing"

We plan and operate the "hit Housing Exhibition Park". We respond to local demand for home ownership in cooperation with home builders. In addition to this we established the "Smile Desk," a free consultation service for all housing matters. It connects people who want to build a home with construction companies and architects."


Creating new lifestyles and comfortable,
luxurious living that surpasses expectations

Our mission is to make people living in Fukuoka fall deeper in love with the city and to help Fukuoka become even more vibrant. We are eager to take on the challenge of creating comfortable and luxurious living that surpasses expectations that has never been seen before. Watch this space as we embark on this journey to "Create Excitement in Fukuoka."


Please get in touch with any questions or concerns you may have about our residential business.

Inquiry Form